Mark Nutter
Transportation Insight
Mark Nutter is a PHP/Java refugee who attended his first Clojure conference in 2011 and has been finding ways to “sneak” Clojure into production or production-related work ever since. Currently a senior software engineer at Transportation Insight, he is now a full-time Clojure/CLJS dev, and is pursuing the next life goal on his list: learning to play a cello. (He/him).
Re-usable GUI Components with Re-frame and Atomic Design
In this talk, I will present the principles and practices I’ve found helpful in building complex front ends using re-frame and Atomic Design, two powerhouses right in the middle of the sweet spot of GUI development. I’ll focus on topics like how to make reusable components that automatically handle common UI tasks, and how to turn re-frame subscriptions into a flexible, fast, and user-friendly validation system. We’ll also cover a high-level, tourist’s-eye-view of re-frame and Atomic Design for those that may not be familiar with them, and (time permitting) I’ll share some of the cool widgets I’ve been able to build using this approach.